085 – 016 36 49
085 – 016 36 49
Bewuste keuze-Autorondreis De Nostalgie van de DDR
Ab 1.652 €

Bewuste keuze-Autorondreis De Nostalgie van de DDR

Erstellt: Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024 - Abreise: Montag, 18. November 2024
Ref ID: 9890889
Gesamtpreis Ab 3.304 €
Erstellt: Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2024 - Abreise: Montag, 18. November 2024
Ziele: Duisburg, Weimar, Leipzig, Dresden, Berlin, Rheinsberg, Insel Rügen, Bremen


Ihr Tagesablauf

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18 Nov.
Autofahrt von 164 Kilometer - 1h 59min
20 Nov.
Autofahrt von 391 Kilometer - 4h 49min
20 Nov.
2. Weimar
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Über das Reiseziel: Weimar is a city in the state of Thuringia, Germany. It is located in Central Germany between Erfurt in the west and Jena in the east, approximately 80 kilometres southwest of Leipzig, 170 kilometres north of Nuremberg and 170 kilometres west of Dresden. Together with the neighbour cities Erfurt and Jena, it forms the central metropolitan area of Thuringia, with approximately 500,000 inhabitants. The city itself has a population of 65,000. Weimar is well known because of its large cultural heritage and its importance in German history. The city was a focal point of the German Enlightenment and home of the leading figures of the literary genre of Weimar Classicism, writers Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller. In the 19th century, noted composers such as Franz Liszt made Weimar a music centre. Later, artists and architects such as Henry van de Velde, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Lyonel Feininger, and Walter Gropius came to the city and founded the Bauhaus movement, the most important German design school of the interwar period. The political history of 20th-century Weimar was volatile: it was the place where Germany's first democratic constitution was signed after the First World War, giving its name to the Weimar Republic period in German politics. It was also one of the cities mythologized by National Socialist propaganda. Until 1948, Weimar was the capital of Thuringia. Since the late 20th century, many places in the city centre have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites (either as part of the Weimar Classicism complex, or as part of the Bauhaus complex). Heritage tourism is one of the leading economic sectors of Weimar. Noted institutions in Weimar are the Bauhaus University, the Liszt School of Music, the Duchess Anna Amalia Library, and two leading courts of Thuringia (the Supreme Administrative Court and Constitutional Court). In 1999, Weimar was the European Capital of Culture.
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21 Nov.
Autofahrt von 130 Kilometer - 1h 38min
21 Nov.
3. Leipzig
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Über das Reiseziel: The city of Leipzig is famous for two things: books and music. The university, founded in 1409, stands for an illustrious tradition of learning that embraces the names of Lessing and Nietzsche, among others. Publishing has always been a thriving industry in this city. The Altstadt, the old quarter, is still crammed with bookstores, and major international book fairs take place here annually. Music is a real tradition here, and occupies a central place in the lives of its inhabitants. In 1723 Johann Sebastian Bach settled here, he filled many of the city’s churches with the sound of his early work. The fortified towers of the Neues Rathaus dominates the Altstadt. Nearby, is the Thomaskirche where J.S. Bach served as cantor. Bach’s grave lies just in front of the altar. The heart of the city throbs within the Marktplatz, a colourful cobbled square guarded by the charming Altes Rathaus. Inside, the City History Museum recounts the history of the city. Behind it is the Alte Börse with a monument to Goethe in front. Leipzig offers its guests a wide choice of entertainment .Visit the many museums that the city has, or if you prefer, stroll casually through the arcades and passageways covered with glazed structures so typical of Leipzig. This fun and dynamic city has, as well, its fair share of colourful shops and cafes and an abundance of nightlife.
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21 Nov.
Leipzigs kommunistische Vergangenheit: Eine selbstgeführte Audiotour
Leipzigs kommunistische Vergangenheit: Eine selbstgeführte Audiotour
2 Eingangs ( Volwassenen van 6 tot 100 jaar: 2 )
Het communistische verleden van Leipzig: een zelfgeleide audiotour
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22 Nov.
Autofahrt von 121 Kilometer - 1h 39min
22 Nov.
4. Dresden
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Über das Reiseziel: Dresden is a baroque jewel set on the Elbe River. Dubbed the Florence of the North, the capital of Saxony, is a city full of monumental staircases, panoramic terraces and spacious squares decorated with statues of saints and monarchs bursting with solemnity. Virtually destroyed shortly before the fall of the Reich in 1945, the city has recovered sufficiently to become an animated and arty, not to mention beautiful, destination. The exquisite baroque palace Zwinger now contains half of Dresden’s museums. The most important are the Alte Meister Gallery, one of Europe’s oldest and best painting collections, and the Historisches Museum with a superb collection of ceremonial weapons. Not far from the Zwinger Palace, we find the Hofkirche, the Catholic Church, which allows an interesting comparison with the Prostestant Kreuzkirche, located on the Altmarkt area, the historic hub of Dresden. Strolling around the Neumarkt area, you will eventually find yourself in Frauenkirche at Noitmarkt Square. This round church is considered an outstanding example of Protestant sacred architecture, featuring one of the largest domes in Europe. The church was rebuilt after the reunification of Germany and is now a symbol of reconciliation. Dresden will mesmerize visitors with its beauty, the sheer abundance and grandeur of the city's cultural treasures are enough to take your breath away. And since Dresden also just happens to be set amidst a dazzling river landscape, the amazement will soon be accompanied by pure joy.
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23 Nov.
Dresden Highlights - Große Stadtrundfahrt mit Fahrrad
Dresden Highlights - Große Stadtrundfahrt mit Fahrrad
2 Eingangs ( Volwassenen van 18 tot 100 jaar: 2 )
11:00 Rondleiding boeken + huurfiets
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25 Nov.
Autofahrt von 193 Kilometer - 2h 38min
25 Nov.
5. Berlin
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Über das Reiseziel: Berlin, die Hauptstadt Deutschlands, ist eine Stadt der Geschichte, der Kultur und der Kunst. Es ist ein Ort, der die Geschichte der Welt geprägt hat und weiterhin das Zentrum der deutschen Politik und Kultur ist. In Berlin gibt es viel zu sehen und zu tun. Beginnen Sie Ihren Besuch am Brandenburger Tor, einem Symbol für die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer. In der Nähe befindet sich der Reichstag, das beeindruckende Gebäude, in dem der Deutsche Bundestag tagt. Von der gläsernen Kuppel aus haben Sie einen atemberaubenden Blick über die Stadt. Für Geschichtsinteressierte bietet das Jüdische Museum und das Holocaust-Mahnmal einen emotionalen und lehrreichen Einblick in die dunkle Vergangenheit Deutschlands. Ein Besuch der Berliner Mauer-Gedenkstätte, wo Sie einen Abschnitt der ursprünglichen Mauer sehen können, ist ebenfalls ein Muss. Kulturliebhaber werden von der Museumsinsel begeistert sein, einer Sammlung von fünf Museen, darunter das berühmte Pergamonmuseum und das Alte Museum. Für Kunstliebhaber ist die East Side Gallery, eine 1,3 Kilometer lange Abschnitt der Berliner Mauer, der von internationalen Künstlern bemalt wurde, ein absolutes Highlight. Berlin ist auch bekannt für sein pulsierendes Nachtleben und seine vielfältige Gastronomie. Probieren Sie traditionelle deutsche Speisen wie Bratwurst und Sauerkraut, oder genießen Sie ein Bier in einer der vielen Brauereien der Stadt. Ob Sie ein Geschichtsinteressierter, ein Kulturliebhaber oder ein Abenteurer sind, Berlin hat etwas für jeden zu bieten. Es ist eine Stadt, die Sie auf jeden Fall besuchen sollten. Erleben Sie die Faszination Berlins und tauchen Sie ein in eine Stadt, die niemals schläft.
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26 Nov.
Berlin: 2-stündiger Rundgang durch das Dritte Reich und den Kalten Krieg
Berlin: 2-stündiger Rundgang durch das Dritte Reich und den Kalten Krieg
2 Eingangs ( Volwassenen van 18 tot 66 jaar: 2 )
2 hours 10:00 Wandeltocht van 2 uur door het Derde Rijk en de Koude Oorlog van Berlijn
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29 Nov.
Autofahrt von 92 Kilometer - 1h 47min
29 Nov.
6. Rheinsberg
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01 Dez.
Autofahrt von 207 Kilometer - 3h 16min
Insel Rügen
01 Dez.
7. Insel Rügen
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Über das Reiseziel: Rügen ist die längste Insel Deutschlands mit einer Ausdehnung von rund 40 Kilometern Breite und 50 Kilometern Länge und einer Gesamtfläche von 926 Quadratkilometern mit 73.000 Einwohnern. Der Landkreis Rügen gehört zum Bundesland Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und sein Verwaltungsleiter ist Bergen auf Rügen.
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05 Dez.
Autofahrt von 422 Kilometer - 4h 36min
Insel Rügen
05 Dez.
8. Bremen
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Über das Reiseziel: Bremen is a city in northern Germany, population 500,000. Bremen was once a member of the medieval Hanseatic League and is still one of the most important cities in northern Germany. Bremen has more than 1200 years of history, and was, for most of its existence, an independent city-state. Bremen is a rather long and narrow city, lined along both sides of the river Weser. The entire city is located on flat plains. The most important sites to visit in Bremen are: • Rathaus this is one of the finest in Europe and as such has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. • Dom St Petri (Cathedral of St Peter) is over 1200 years old, and its huge towered façade dominates the main square. the interior is impressive with some fine painted details on the ceilings. There is a treasury displaying the collection of the cathedral. • Roland this statue on the main square is of the Knight Roland who was a protector of trade. It appears in many European cities especially those involved in the Hanseatic league. Bremen's is considered one of the finest and is included with Town Hall on the World Heritage List. • Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (Town Musicians of Bremen) perhaps the most well known figures associated with Bremen are the characters from the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale, their image adorns many of the souvenirs in the city • Böttcherstrasse, is the incredible Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) street that runs from the main square towards the river. There are many fine façades and courtyards all with large amounts of design detail. There is an impressive Glockenspiel that chimes at regular intervals. There are lots of shops and several Museums, including the impressive Paula Modersohn-Becker Museumg Himmelssaal (unfortunately it is not normally open to the public). • Am Wall is a lovely park next to the former defensive moat which offers a nice place to sit and relax. • Schnoor this area of twisting lanes is a lovely place to wander aimlessly looking at in the many shops and also at the world smallest hotel.
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06 Dez.
Bremen wie ein Einheimischer: Individuelle Privattour
Bremen wie ein Einheimischer: Individuelle Privattour
2 Eingangs ( Volwassenen van 13 tot 100 jaar: 2 )
From 2 to 6 hours 11:00 Tour van 2 uur
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07 Dez.
Autofahrt von 334 Kilometer - 3h 53min

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